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Self-love starts with you 💖

On a mission to help you embrace your sweet existence here on earth ✨

Re: Read on your 7 Year Honey Belle Anniversary 💛

To:  Iris July 2015
From:  Iris July 2022


Dear Iris,


You like the sound of that, don’t you? Well congrats on being official - I’m proud of you! 

Right now.. you’re still working your 9-5. Building HB on your lunch breaks, evenings, and weekends (I see you girl!). All that time you’re putting in to make your recipes, design your own labels and packaging, sharing and selling your products at local events, and the time you spend writing little notes to your online customers...all that will play a huge role in making your brand into something.

Soon enough (I’m talking in a matter of weeks), you’ll be leaving your full-time job. Not because you’ve reached a certain amount of revenue, but because you’ll realize how big of leap you need to take to really have your baby boom the way you want it to. In a few months, you’ll be leasing your first studio space, hiring your first employee, and within a short few years, you’ll see start seeing your products in nationwide stores like CVS, Ulta Beauty, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, and more.

At year 5, there is going to be a worldwide pandemic. Brace yourself. Things are going to get wavy, and hard. You’re going to feel stuck, like you’re backed up in a corner not knowing what to do you with yourself and your business. Brace yourself.

Focus on your customers. Focus on your why.

Why are you doing this? Why do you continue to do what you do? Why are you still here? Why is the company still here? What message are you sharing with the world? Why are you passionate about your products, but even more than that, how can we continue adding value and making a positive impact in the community?

At year 7, the pandemic will stable out and you will have gone through a huge rollercoaster, and it will feel like a huge “reset”. Like you’re back at square 1, building your business on your own from your home again. But now, with so much knowledge and experience under your belt, and a community that consists of thousands of people that enjoy your products. 

So here we are: 2022. There’s no way to tell where our future lies from here, but all I can say is that I appreciate your tenacity, your vision, and your belief in what’s possible. You’re also nowhere without your customers and community standing behind you, so please let’s never forget about your roots, how you started, and who’s supporting you.

Good luck Queen. I’ll see you on the other side ✌️


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